From the course: Systems Thinking

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The power of mapping in systems thinking

The power of mapping in systems thinking

From the course: Systems Thinking

The power of mapping in systems thinking

- The way you explain ideas, whether visually, written, or verbally, impacts how you and the people around you understand complex problems. Through our research over the past 20 years, we've discovered that the act of visually mapping one's ideas is one of the single most effective ways to improve our understanding of complex systems. Here are a few examples of things we can better understand simply by mapping them. First, let's look at interpersonal relationships between two people. This map demonstrates a concept of emotional intelligence relevant to relationships both in and outside of the workplace. This is a basic two sided relationship between me and you. When we have a conflict there are only two places to put the blame, either on me or on you. To avoid a standoff, we can distinguish our relationship to create a three part or RDS. In this perspective, we can place the blame on us and work to move forward together. Maps like these can be used to build emotional intelligence and…
