From the course: Systems Thinking

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A visual grammar

A visual grammar

- What if there was a way to better understand your own thoughts to capture them and to share them with great accuracy to your peers and your coworkers. Imagine all the misunderstandings you could avoid. Renowned educator Maria Montessori once explained that thinking is expressed by the hands before it can be put into words. We begin to explore our world, take in, and assess information at the earliest stages of development. As newborns and toddlers, we use our hands and our mouths to touch and manipulate objects as part of our learning process. There are more neurons connecting your brain to your eyes and hands than to any other body parts. This is illustrated by the cortical homunculus, which means little cortex man. A scientific model of the body that depicts the proportion of neurons allocated to various body parts. From looking at cortex man, you can easily see the massive role that the hands and the eyes play, in how we take in information, and how we think about it. Cortex man…
