From the course: Sustainable LGBTQ+ Allyship

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Responding to mistakes

Responding to mistakes

- I've shared lots of information with you, and it's a lot to remember. You may be worried that you're going to mess up. You will. We all do. The key is to accept the fact that blunders are going to occur. Know how to recover from them, and practice strategies so you can do better in the future. Let's look at two common types of errors and how to recover gracefully and respectfully from each. The first one is accidentally misgendering someone. Misgendering means using the wrong gendered word for a person, for example, referring to them using the wrong pronoun. I've made this mistake many times over the years. It's always embarrassing and awkward. Knowing the best way to respond can help alleviate the discomfort both for me and the person I misgendered. Imagine you're talking with some people and you realize that you used the wrong pronoun for someone. In this case, the best way to respond is to make a simple and brief…
