From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Teaching tools: Writing

Teaching tools: Writing

- Your kid will undoubtedly be doing a lot of writing for school. You'll have projects, assignments, emails, all that kind of stuff. And even with all the high-tech tools, writing is still a key component for online learning. So I'm going to show you the tools we use with our students and kids. If I had to choose just one writing tool, hands down, it would be Google Docs. It's powerful, intuitive, and free. If you have a Google email account, you already have Google Docs. And if not, you can get one along with all the other G Suite apps simply by creating a free Google account. To be fair, Google Docs is not the most powerful word processor available, but it packs plenty of punch for most writers and excels at a key learning component: collaboration. Google Docs can be shared with your teachers, classmates, and, of course, you, the parent, You or your teacher can add comments, make suggestions, and edit from pretty…
