From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Teaching tools: Science

Teaching tools: Science

- Kids are naturally curious about the world and how things work. It's easy to make science fun at home. And I want to share some of the tools that we use frequently to help facilitate that process. Has your child ever asked you to identify something in the natural world that you were clueless about? I taught environmental education for a year, but I still don't know the names for everything that we encounter in our backyard. Five-year-old Zaiden is obsessed with all living things, insects, animals, plants, trees. I needed some help. Enter Seek, a free app by iNaturalist. Open the app and take a photo of the thing you want to identify. It will not only tell you what you're looking at, but also if it's native or introduced to your area. Now, if they would just update the plant section to show which ones make good toilet paper, it would be the perfect pandemic tool. Another great app for photo identification is Google Lens.…
