From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Teaching tools: Math

Teaching tools: Math

- I see a lot of parents struggle when it comes to teaching math and I completely understand. Even having taught elementary math for years, I sometimes still find it difficult to translate a concept to kids speak. And this is just the elementary level math, if you have a middle or a high school student, you're probably going to want some help, never fear. There are a lot of great resources out there to offer a hand. First off, I recommend touching base with your teacher. Many teachers offer live online classes and tutoring sessions or they're of course available for a quick question via email. Now keep in mind teachers in middle and high school, most likely have hundreds of students to work with, and they might also be new to online teaching. So be reasonable with your requests and expectations. If a live teacher isn't an option, no worries, Khan Academy provides video tutorials and engaging activities on every math concept…
