From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Teaching tools: Collaboration

Teaching tools: Collaboration

- There are oodles of cloud collaboration tools available to make communicating and collaborating easier. The one you choose and use might be determined by your school or teacher, if not I would recommend checking out the options from Google. They provide a whole host of free apps that are built for collaboration. Let's take a look at some of Google's collaboration options. To access the free apps, either open or create a Gmail account. Once you've created your account, you can select the apps icon in the top, right corner. The individual apps that appear here depend on the type of account that you have set up. But all Google accounts give you access to Google drive, which is your cloud storage. From Google Drive you can select new to create a folder, upload a file, upload a folder, or access any of the different Google Apps. We have Google Docs, which is a word processing program, Google Sheets, which is a spreadsheet…
