From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Teaching tools: Arts and physical education

Teaching tools: Arts and physical education

From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

Teaching tools: Arts and physical education

- One of the positive things that has come out of the coronavirus experience is the increase in creativity and imagination. Children's author and illustrator Mo Willems said recently that right now, art is essential. Science is going to get us out of this, but art is going to get us through this. Musicians, artists, performers, and athletes have all been forced to find new ways to share their talents, and in turn, they've given our children new opportunities to experience the arts. Broadway musicals are on YouTube, art classes are being taught online, and musicians are live-streaming concerts from their living rooms. Let's take a look at some of the amazing arts experiences that are available to support your child's learning. If you're looking for some hands-on music activities, set your kids loose in the Chrome Music Lab. You might want to invest in some headphones first, but there are some fantastic activities in there…
