From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Taking virtual field trips

Taking virtual field trips

- So as I'm recording this much of the world is either completely off-limits or has limited access. And our usual field trips and outings have taken a huge dive. But there is another path to explore, virtual field trips. With a virtual field trip you can explore the world, the oceans, and even space all without leaving your living room. You can use pretty much any device, or if you have a virtual headset, you can take things to the next level. Pairing a virtual field trip with your curriculum not only keeps things interesting, but it helps turn soon to be forgotten texts into a strong concept that will stick around for a lifetime. YouTube offers hundreds of field trips you can view right from your device. Videos can be a very powerful teaching tool. I never cease to be amazed by the facts that my son is able to recall months down the road. Videos can be a real sanity saver if you find yourself in a situation where you…
