From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Setting up a learning environment

Setting up a learning environment

- When we think of a learning environment, many of us think of what we grew up with, a desk, a chair, some textbooks, silence for concentration, but every environment can be a learning environment. Learning is not confined to a specific time or place. As a parent, I had to let go of that traditional picture of what learning should look like and work with my children to figure out what structure works best for them. Some kids, and even some activities might need that traditional structure. But for most children sitting still in a chair, at a desk, for a long time, is really hard. And if they're devoting all of their energy and focus to sitting still there isn't anything leftover for learning plus changing the environment up reinforces the idea that we can be constantly learning no matter where we are. Reading is a great subject to experiment with. Where would you like to read today? Would you like to read in bed, on the…
