From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Project-based learning

Project-based learning

- When we think about learning, we often think in terms of specific subjects, math, reading, science, music. But most learning doesn't happen in a bubble. Let's say you're doing a science experiment. Well, that's clearly science, right? But you also have reading, you need to read the directions and likely do some research. You have writing, you're taking notes or making predictions. Math, measurement, calculations, there might be some technology involved too. We have all of these learning components working together in that one project. Project-based learning invites kids to gain deep knowledge about a topic to answer a question or solve a problem. Let's take a look at a few examples. Project-based learning invites kids to gain deep knowledge about a topic to either answer a question or solve a problem. Let's take a look at an example. Sada wanted to learn more about Greek mythology. Well, that's the first step, identify a…
