From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Live online classes

Live online classes

- Your school may offer live online classes. Let's take a look at how to participate and get the most out of that opportunity. We'll be demonstrating using Zoom. Your school may use another meeting platform with a different look and tools, but the concepts we're going to explore should hold true for most live online classes. The first time you participate in an online class, it can feel a bit awkward, but it doesn't take long to learn everything you need to know and make the adjustment. Some teachers ask students to leave the camera on during the full class, and some teachers will only have students turn on the camera when the student is speaking. Go with whatever procedures your teacher has established. For best results, make sure your student's face is well lit, and make sure that family members not participating in the class are aware that it's going on. Don't become the next viral meme. Dad goes to class without pants.…
