From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Invest the time for your kids to succeed

Invest the time for your kids to succeed

From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

Invest the time for your kids to succeed

- So that was a lot of information to digest. Keep in mind, these are things that will work for us and they may or may not be the right choice for you and your family. Take the things you think might work for you, then tweak 'em, make 'em your own. - Remember that growth mindset stuff? Well, that applies to parents too. When learning at home gets overwhelming, don't allow yourself to think, "Oh, I can't do this." Instead, change your thinking. "I can't do this yet." When your kids are grown up and they think back on the coronavirus of 2020, they probably won't remember what math program you used, but they will remember how you as a parent invested time and energy in their learning and taught them that learning is valuable and can happen anywhere, anytime. - We've certainly learned a lot in the past few months, as well as while we were creating this course. I hope it's been worth your while. Thanks for joining us.
