From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Helping students be safe online

Helping students be safe online

- Let's look at internet safety for kids. Now, I'm not going to get into VPNs, anti-malware, firewalls, and all that kind of stuff. I am not an internet security expert by any stretch of imagination. And there are plenty of courses here in The Learning Library taught by actual internet security experts if that's what you're looking for. Instead, let's look at some common sense practices you can instill in your kids as a first line of defense. Just like any aspect of parenting, I think the most powerful action you can take is to just be involved. Keep in mind, there is a wide spectrum between being involved and just playing spying. You'll have to make the choice of where on that spectrum you want to go. You know your kid best. Kat and I are both very frank with our kids when talking about the internet. We view it as a very powerful tool and just like any tool, it can be used for good or for harm. There is a lot of great…
