From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Exploring learning through games

Exploring learning through games

- Games are an amazing tool. Kids often have so much fun playing games that they don't realize how much they are learning. There are so many benefits to play in games. In addition to helping students learn new content, games can help with coordination, enhance memory, improve focus and concentration, games can even help to build relationships, relieve stress and improve your mood. Let's take a look at some games. I love playing board games and card games with my kids. It's a great way to sneakily observe how they're processing information and strategizing. I can gauge how much they know about a topic, board games can also give me a chance to model problem solving, demonstrate good sportsmanship and practice social skills. Plus, it's just a nice way to spend some family time together. Board games have come a long way since the Parcheesi and candy land games I remember from childhood. Yes, those classics are still around…
