From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Creating workboxes

Creating workboxes

- Sometimes the materials needed to complete learning at home can get a bit overwhelming. And if your student can't locate the necessary materials, it might prevent him from getting started on the work. One way we have found to be effective in organizing materials for our kids is with work boxes. Work boxes are a great way to structure your student's day and a great visual for you to see that you're including everything you wish for your child to accomplish that day. A work box should hold all of the materials you will need to complete one subject or activity. For math, a work box might need a calculator, a pencil, some scrap paper, a notebook, a ruler, and a marked workbook page. Gather all of those supplies the student will need for that lesson and place them in one container. When he's ready to begin math, your child just grabs the box and is ready to go. You can include anything in the boxes, a book with a certain chapter…
