From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Support objective selection processes

Support objective selection processes

- Too often, subjectivity is a breeding ground for bias. So try to avoid vague, subjective, informal selection processes. Instead, define more structured selection processes that provide equal opportunity for everyone. Speaking of equal opportunity, let's address an elephant in the room. When we talk about creating more equitable selection processes, it doesn't mean lowering standards. People of color don't want preferential treatment. They just want the same opportunity that everyone else has. That might seem like a no brainer, but that's not what happens in practice much of the time. Some people simply have unearned advantage through social connections, preexisting relationships, sharing the same sorority or alma mater, cultural background, and those advantages typically don't benefit people of color. As you're developing these well-defined, objective selection processes, ensure the criteria used is nondiscriminatory and…
