From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Support employee resource groups (ERGs) and affinity groups

Support employee resource groups (ERGs) and affinity groups

From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

Support employee resource groups (ERGs) and affinity groups

- Over the past few decades, many organizations have embraced employee resource groups, sometimes referred to as affinity groups. These groups can be defined for many areas of difference, whether it's race, ethnicity, gender, marriage, or parental status, LGBTQ status, or other areas of identity, background, or interest. Indeed, they provide another tool for combating internalized racism because they offer individuals a source of support, mentoring, and pride. Having attended Spelman College, a private, historically black women's liberal arts college, I can absolutely attest to the benefit of being able to find a community that shares not just key elements of your identity, but also, your shared struggles and challenges. Within these groups, whether it's a historically black college, or a professional organization like National Society of Black Engineers, or a corporate affinity group, people of color often find…
