From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Establish mentoring and sponsoring programs

Establish mentoring and sponsoring programs

From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

Establish mentoring and sponsoring programs

- Virtually everyone knows how important it is to have mentors or sponsors around you to help you succeed and advance professionally. Let's face it, the smartest person with no support and few relationships can easily go nowhere, while someone with average skills and intellect, with great relationships and tons of active support can thrive. The unfortunate reality is that many people secure a mentorship or a sponsorship, not necessarily as a direct result of their demonstrated skill and ability, but oftentimes more so as a function of their common affiliation and shared background. This simple reality means that people of color often don't have access to the same natural networks that others might have, and therefore often don't get the same support and guidance. My husband is actually a great example. Even though he was a really smart high school student, no one in his family, his entire family, had attended college.…
