From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Establish antiracist goals and accountability measures

Establish antiracist goals and accountability measures

From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

Establish antiracist goals and accountability measures

- As your organization works to actively root out racism, it will be important to establish clear goals and accountability metrics just as you would with other organizational priorities. A great way to ensure the goals are effective is to define SMART goals. The acronym SMART reminds us that the goal should have five characteristics. S is for specific. Just stating that you want to reduce racism, for example, isn't terribly helpful, but you may develop a goal of increasing recruitment of entry-level managers from historically black colleges and universities or HBCUs. M is for measurable. One common problem is defining goals that aren't really measurable. If you can't measure success, you won't clearly know whether you met the goal. For example, we could refine our previous goal statement to read, increase the number of HBCU recruiting partners from one to four. A, actionable. As we've emphasized previously, action is…
