From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Encourage open sharing and listening sessions

Encourage open sharing and listening sessions

From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

Encourage open sharing and listening sessions

- Cultivating an anti-racist organizational culture requires breaking down barriers that divide us artificially and actively working to really understand one another, and the experiences that impact how we show up in the world. One of the smartest, simplest actions that organizations can take is sponsoring and encouraging open sharing sessions. Part of the benefit of this type of sharing is that it doesn't just help team members get to know and appreciate one another on a different level, it also reminds us just how recent some of these sanctioned abuses were and how deeply they're ingrained in the lives of so many. Of course, this team growth activity should always be voluntary and ideally facilitated by an outside professional. I'll role model by sharing just a few of my personal experiences with racism. Now my mom grew up in the Jim Crow South and her life was controlled by signs literally telling her where she could…
