From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Consistently educate and offer coaching for individuals

From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

Consistently educate and offer coaching for individuals

- We can each encourage individual anti-racism by taking advantage of education and coaching. Let's be honest. Ignorance can be a huge barrier for workplace anti-racism. People sometimes say and do what they do because they just don't know any better. Possibly they grew up in an environment where racial jokes were considered funny or slurs were common. It's important to meet people where they are and help them progress and develop. Anti-racism requires a fundamental understanding of racism itself, which is a pretty complicated and dense topic. It's naive and frankly, counterproductive, to assume that everyone has the same level of racial literacy. They simply don't. So education can be an absolutely critical starting place for many organizations. Don't make the mistake of just offering speakers or a lunch and learns during certain months to celebrate a particular racial or ethnic group. Instead, develop a…
