From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

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Avoid messaging and imagery that reinforces negative stereotypes

Avoid messaging and imagery that reinforces negative stereotypes

From the course: Supporting Allyship and Anti-Racism at Work

Avoid messaging and imagery that reinforces negative stereotypes

- While it's important to reflect anti-racist values in your corporate or organizational value statements, goals, and strategic priorities to encourage collective understanding, the question though becomes, what can we actually do to counteract this in the workplace? Consciously work to counteract negative stereotypes. Make a point to highlight scientists, inventors, scholars, or other role models of color. It doesn't just combat internalized racism but can be educational as well. Promote diversity in any imagery you might use. Be sure every employee can see someone who looks like them in your organization's communications, displays, and online presence. Use inclusive language and design events that make everybody feel included and important. Considering something as small as the type of food served to the issues discussed and the speaker selected. While some of these items may seem minor, they are opportunities to either…
