From the course: Superhuman Innovation (Blinkist Summary)

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Experiment, solve problems, and get results

Experiment, solve problems, and get results

From the course: Superhuman Innovation (Blinkist Summary)

Experiment, solve problems, and get results

- [Narrator] Blink number seven: AI enables businesses to experiment, solve problems, and get results. Historically, humans have excelled at using experimentation and imagination to solve real world problems. Take the Roman aqueducts. These impressive structures were built long before text messages, trucks, or even explosives were invented. But ancient Rome's growing population desperately needed a steady supply of water, so they used innovation to dream up the necessary structure to obtain it. Just as the Romans used the technology available at the time to help them solve their problems, we can use our own modern-day tools, like AI, to experiment and accomplish difficult goals. We call this chain actionable curiosity, the process that brings us the final two components of the SUPER framework: Experimentation and Results. A modern-day example of AI-powered curiosity leading to innovation is SpaceX. The company…
