From the course: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

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Building accessible projects

Building accessible projects

- Have you ever used the peeler with handles that were hard to use? Like this one right here. In 1990, OXO decided to redesign products so that they were easier for people with limited mobility use. They look more like this. Now these designs became best sellers because making something easier to use for these users had the side effect of making it easier to use for every user. One of the key skills web designers have to learn is to make things accessible not just because it's the right thing to do but also because it can effect the bottom line. Now people with disabilities use assisted technologies that help them navigate with their devices, and although these technologies can do a fair job by themselves, developers can effect how well these technologies actually work. In either a positive or negative way. In addition to the DOM the devices also create an accessibility trait Which provides additional…
