From the course: Strategic Sourcing of Suppliers

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Successful supplier implementation

Successful supplier implementation

From the course: Strategic Sourcing of Suppliers

Successful supplier implementation

- We're now on step six of the strategic sourcing process, implementation. Implementation is where you'll translate everything that has been agreed so far into reality. When your strategic sourcing activity results in you bringing in a new supplier into your organization, this change will need to be managed and communicated carefully. The change itself will have been made more straightforward because of your stakeholder's involvement in the process, so you shouldn't receive much resistance at this stage, hopefully none, but your communication of the change is vital and will need to reach parts of the business that weren't involved in the sourcing activity. Any department or individual that touches the supplier directly or uses the supplier's products or services, such as finance, customer services, or manufacturing to name a few, will need to be made aware of the start date, their new vendor contacts, any changes to…
