From the course: Strategic Sourcing of Suppliers

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Protecting your buying power

Protecting your buying power

- I'm going to share some secrets with you on what I've learned to help you maximize your leverage in a strategic sourcing situation. You see, there are things that suppliers do to help make sure you continue to do business with them and don't look to buy elsewhere, effectively locking you into buying from them. Good salespeople will attempt to build relationships with you and the specifiers, and maybe the decision makers too within your company so that your colleagues might feel some obligation to award business to them. Through buyer conditioning, suppliers could get you to feel as if their solution is special, offering you a unique proposition, even when factually it doesn't. Or they could genuinely create a unique offering by bundling together the provision of various goods and services over time so that separation from them becomes difficult and maybe costly. They might even massage your ego, either telling you to…
