From the course: Strategic Sourcing of Suppliers

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How to engage with stakeholders

How to engage with stakeholders

- Stakeholders. My definition would be a collection of people with perhaps different perspectives, interests and motivations to yours. Good stakeholder management is an absolutely vital part of strategic sourcing. They'll have the ability to either help or potentially sabotage your ambitions throughout the life of the strategic sourcing activity, so you'll need to think carefully about how you'll manage the needs of this group of people. In the first instance, it's helpful to put yourself in the shoes of the stakeholder and try and understand their perspectives. Let's look at the types of people that you might need to engage and influence. The obvious place to start is the user. This is an individual or team that actually uses the good or service. Now, they may not have high power when it comes to derailing your approach, but they can create a high grumble factor, meaning they'll complain noisily if they're not happy.…
