From the course: Strategic Sourcing of Suppliers

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Continuing to strategically source

Continuing to strategically source

From the course: Strategic Sourcing of Suppliers

Continuing to strategically source

- Congratulations! You've now learned the seven-step strategic sourcing process. Thank you so much for taking my course. You now have the knowledge to successfully deploy this approach in your business. You've learned how to evaluate the competitiveness of the marketplace, the importance of aligning your goals to the business requirements, how to build a sourcing strategy, and how you can use your leverage to secure better value from the activity, and more. I do hope you found the course to be enjoyable and informative. Remember to download all the exercise files that accompany this course. And if you'd like to stay in touch, why not connect with me here on LinkedIn? I'd love to hear from you, and you can ask me any questions you like about the course. Meanwhile, I wish you huge success with your strategic sourcing activities. Bye for now.
