From the course: Strategic Selling: How to Communicate with the C-Suite and Decision Makers

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Positioning your sale to close

Positioning your sale to close

- Closing the sale has to be the ultimate high, right? It's the best feeling, the win. It's when all your hard work pays off. But let's not forget that closing is also the most difficult part of the sale and one that a lot of sales reps even avoid. According to the latest research by SPOTIO, 48% of sales calls end without an attempt to close the sale. And the national sales closing rate is just 27%. That's pretty low, right? So, why do sales professionals do all the hard work of identifying the right prospects, building their reputations, getting to the decision-maker, and crafting the conversation, and then fail to close the sale? Well, there are a lot of reasons. Maybe they never sense the right time, they fear rejection, or maybe they just don't know how. There are lots of closing strategies a sales rep can use: the assumptive close, the sharp angle close, the summation close, and the now or never close. But I…
