From the course: Strategic Selling: How to Communicate with the C-Suite and Decision Makers

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Leveraging the power of active listening

Leveraging the power of active listening

- There's a saying in sales. People do business with people they know, like, and trust. And when it comes to the C-Suite, the most important of the three is trust. They need to trust that you understand their industry, their company, their challenges, and that you are someone they can share their biggest fears and their biggest opportunities with. Now, developing that level of trust could take a long investment of time and resources. Which as a sales professional with a quota and a goal, you have very little of. You need a shortcut. A quicker way to advance the relationship and deepen the connection. Active listening is how you do that. This is a level of listening that goes deeper. It has you so engaged that your C-Suite professional can feel you hanging on their every word, and that builds trust. Here are three strategies to build the active listening skills you need. First, body language, and pace. Believe it…
