From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Strategic planning pitfalls

Strategic planning pitfalls

- As you look at your organization's strategy and your current strategic planning process, it's critical to understand there are some really large pitfalls out there that you can fall into. First, do you lack a clear direction? If your organization can't clearly articulate here's where we're going, here's why we exist, and here's what we look like three to five years from now, you may lack direction. Second, do you know how to say no? Or do you say yes to everything? Look at the latest set of initiatives you've pursued over the past year. How many of them had been failures? How many of them should you have walked away from? That's an indicator that you're not saying no. Next is failure to prioritize. Go look at everything everybody's working on right now in terms of major initiatives. Are they all properly resourced or are some of them lagging? If you have a bunch of projects that are stalled or are behind schedule,…
