From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Running the strategic planning process

Running the strategic planning process

From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

Running the strategic planning process

- If you decide you're going to go out and run a strategic planning process, there's a set of very tactical steps that you're going to take. Let me walk you through what the normal strategic planning process looks like. First, you're going to communicate to everyone that you're going through a strategic planning process and you're going to identify the resources required to build the strategic plan. You'll identify team members and send out a project charter saying here's who's involved representing which areas and here's the work that they're going to do and get their commitment from them and from their managers that they're going to be involved in the process. Next you'll conduct the first series of meetings where everybody gets together. You'll explain the overarching strategic planning process, articulate what the deliverables are coming out of that process and then you'll start working on the content. The content…
