From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Guiding principles and goals

Guiding principles and goals

- The last two elements of setting direction for your organization are articulating your guiding principles and your goals. Guiding principles dictate how you want the organization to behave, especially when your leaders aren't around. You're setting out a principle that an associate can use when they're confronted with a situation where they don't know what to do. What lenses do you want them looking through as they're evaluating those decisions? Because if you have clear guiding principles, the actions they're going to take will be consistent with the direction of the organization, which ultimately helps you achieve that vision and mission. In terms of your goals, you're going to set out those metrics, those things that after a year, two years, five years, you'll look back and say, we achieved those goals. Try to make them as measurable as possible. It can be a dollar, how much revenue, how much profit. It can be a number…
