From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Focusing with core competencies

Focusing with core competencies

- Once you've identified your core competencies, you should then look at the initiatives that you're thinking about pursuing to determine what your approach should be. This can mean markets you're thinking about entering, products or services you're thinking about launching, or new capabilities you're thinking about building. Let's look at an example. Let's imagine Starbucks was conducting this exercise. And as we define their core competencies, their primary core competency is the quality of their product from low to high in terms of the relevance of that competency in whatever initiative they're thinking about pursuing. The second competency that we looked at was their service delivery capability. Again, that competency being low to high in terms of its relevance for pursuing an opportunity. Let's evaluate some opportunities. Let's say they were considering launching a new holiday coffee drink. Well, as we look at the…
