From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Defining the organizational vision

Defining the organizational vision

From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

Defining the organizational vision

- Another element of setting direction for your organization is articulating a vision. A vision should provide a clear picture of where you want to be as an organization in three to five years. Why three to five years? Anything less than three ends up being too tactical and people don't focus on generating big ideas. Anything further out than five years, there's too much ambiguity in the market. It's hard to see that far into the future because the world can change so much. So, defining what your organization is going to look like three to five years from now can provide a very clear target for people to shoot for. When you build your vision statement, first, articulate what value your organization creates. Let people know here's why we exist and here's how our customers benefit. Your vision should be ambitious but realistic. Ambitious because it'll push the organization to innovate and be aggressive and push hard.…
