From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Conducting deep analysis of high priority ideas

Conducting deep analysis of high priority ideas

From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

Conducting deep analysis of high priority ideas

- Once you've been through your filtering exercise to identify your highest priority initiatives, you need to do deeper analysis. For those top initiatives on your list, you're going to assign them to individuals for further analysis. Part of that evaluation will require them filling out templates. Within that template, you're going to ask them to fill out multiple aspects of this initiative. First, provide a description of what the initiative is. Then identify what the value proposition is of doing that project. Identify who the customer's going to be. Sometimes it's an external customer, sometimes, it's an internal customer group. And articulate clearly the benefit that that initiative delivers to that customer. For external facing initiatives, identify the point of differentiation. What sets you apart and how does this initiative drive that separation between you and your competitors? Refer back to your core…
