From the course: Strategic Planning Foundations

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Assessing initiatives over time

Assessing initiatives over time

- Another assessment you need to conduct when you look at your portfolio of initiatives is how does it change over time. You've laid out a vision for what your organization should look like three years to five years from now. It's important to understand if the initiatives that you're pursuing are going to get you there. Allow me to illustrate. I worked with a financial services firm that had a huge core business in sub prime credit card lending. And they had a smaller business in prime credit card lending. The problem was new entrants were continuing to enter the market and challenge them in sub prime lending. Now, they had a long list of initiatives they could pursue, and many of those initiatives were focused on fixing that sub prime business. However, they had other initiatives that were much smaller in the near term that were going to get into new markets, and new products, and new types of lending like auto…
