From the course: Strategic Planning: Case Studies

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Determine how to compete

Determine how to compete

- [Instructor] Batter Up needs to make some strategic choices. Do they continue serving the rec and elite markets or do they focus only on one of them? Do they expand their offerings into other sports outside of baseball and softball? Given market dynamics of better for-profit elite leagues entering the market and recognizing they can't really compete there, Batter Up decides to focus on rec leagues and improving those programs. They believe increased focus will make for happier parents and a better player experience. They can't spend enough to get the right elite coaches and fund all the travel required for those leagues. Since it's only 15% of their players in the elite programs but those programs consume 40% of their budget and resources, they decide to leave those leagues to the for-profits and reinvest those resources in better rec player experiences. They also see there's a need for off-season sports and decide to pilot…
