From the course: Strategic Partnerships

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The partnership spectrum

The partnership spectrum

- When companies hammer out the structure of the deal, they're often too constrained by biases of what they they think works or doesn't work based on their previous experiences. Here's an example. Several years ago I was getting ready to run a workshop on alliance management at a technology company. This company really needed to learn how to manage their alliances with suppliers, channels, and even competitors. I had prepared my deck of slides. Enough for a full day of presentations and discussions with executives. This was in the old days when each slide was printed on a plastic sheet. At the last minute, the learning officer who hired me called me up and said, "Ben, don't use the word alliance "in your presentation. "Our lawyers don't like that word. "Use the word partnership instead." The customer's king so of course I did a global replace on my slides and we had a terrific workshop on partnership management. But what gives? It turns out that company executives and the legal…
