From the course: Strategic Partnerships

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Step 4: Manage partnership life

Step 4: Manage partnership life

From the course: Strategic Partnerships

Step 4: Manage partnership life

- So here you are. You've set your strategy and landed a good partner. You just signed a solid contract and you both commit to working together to reach new heights. You should be all set to enjoy the fruits of a great strategic partnership, right? Wrong. Sorry, but you're just getting started. The deal you signed is really only the beginning of your journey. Think about it. You've only committed to work together and agreed on some rules. Now comes the real world. Managing the life of the partnership is Step Four in your partnership process. But it's not just a step, it's something that you'll do for the duration of the partnership. In this step, you'll do three big things. You'll nurture the relationship, facilitate joint decisions and adjust the deal to changing times. By doing these things, you'll keep collaboration with your partner healthy and productive. Often it's the role of a partnership manager or alliance manager, to help do these things. The first task is to nurture the…
