From the course: Strategic Partnerships

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Be the MVP

Be the MVP

- You won't know this from my accent but for 40 years, I've lived in Boston, Massachusetts. As a result, I'm a fan of the Boston Red Socks baseball team, so let me tell you why every strategic partnership is like a baseball team or any other sports team. In every team sport, the players work together to win. They can't win on their own and each player has a role, a position on the field. Each player also has unique strengths and they contribute more or less to the success of the team. So, this is a strategic partnership between the players, the managers, and the team owners. In professional sports, these partners work hard at their job because they get paid well for it but who gets paid what? Isn't that, too, the same problem that you face in your partnership? The salary system in baseball and other team sports is complex but it revolves around bargaining. Each player will bargain for their share of the team's resources. This bargaining process may seem like a zero sum game. It may…
