From the course: Storytelling to Influence Leadership and Decision Makers

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Design your presentation to stick to your message

Design your presentation to stick to your message

- Have you ever sat through a presentation wondering, where is this all going? This is key to avoid when influencing your decision makers. Instead, you want to deliver a presentation so captivating that they remain fixated on you, eager to hear more. In order for your storytelling messages to truly stick, it requires intentional strategy. Here are three key components to action. The first component is to keep it visual. Leverage visuals to compliment your narrative, making complex information easily digestible. In my pitch for additional funding for my product launch, each slide was intentionally designed with compelling visuals like charts, stats, and graphics that aligned with my words, keeping the flow tightly focused. The second component is to add control with animations. Use animations to reveal information gradually, maintaining control over the pace of your presentation. Senior leaders and decision makers often think 10 steps ahead, so if you give them more to look at, they…
