From the course: SQL Server Fundamentals: Master Basic Query Techniques

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Built-in functions

Built-in functions

- [Instructor] While SQL server gives you some standard tools for building queries that we've gone over already like select, from, where, joins it also provides some other handy tools for manipulating data, and those are called built-in functions. Built-in functions can be used right alongside the rest of your code and requires zero or more inputs. This varies depending on which function you're using, and then it returns a single value. And we're going to go over a handful that you're likely to use on a pretty regular basis in this video. First, we're going to deal with some functions used for formatting for our data presentation. And we'll start with cast and convert, which are used to change the data type for a column for the duration of the query where specified. So that means we aren't actually changing the data type on the actual table definition or changing the data itself, we are just changing the way it's treated wherever we use cast or convert. So in this example, we're going…
