From the course: Social Selling Foundations

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Reaching out to prospects directly

Reaching out to prospects directly

From the course: Social Selling Foundations

Reaching out to prospects directly

- Think about the last handwritten note you got. How did you feel after reading it? Probably awesome. When I get a handwritten note, I feel great, because I know someone put in more effort than they had to to send me a message. No matter what they wrote, a handwritten note just sends a message of, "I care and I made an effort." When it comes time to reach out to a prospect directly, you'll most often not be sending a literal handwritten note, though you totally should occasionally. But even electronically, you want it to feel like a handwritten note. When you send it, what you write, and how you send it can still send the "I care and made an effort" feeling. One thing to note before you reach out directly. I recommend you look for an introduction or start a dialogue. You could try engaging them by commenting on one of their posts with a non-salesy, thoughtful response, or retweeting a cool article they shared.…
