From the course: Social Media Monitoring: Strategies and Skills

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Understand your customer needs

Understand your customer needs

- [Instructor] So many businesses and people talk way too much and social media has just amplified the racket. It's a little bit like the teacher in Charlie Brown cartoons with her, "Wah, wah, wah, wah-wah, wah-wah." Now, we experience this with a pushy sales rep in a store, or when we get a bothersome popup on a retail website. Being on the receiving end of a hard sell is frustrating and doesn't engender customer loyalty. What your customers want is for your business to take the time to listen to their needs and then see if you can help. But too often, your customers may feel like a bowling pin watching a speeding sales ball barrel towards them because companies aren't looking at things from your customer's perspective, and that's where social media monitoring comes in. We all know it's hard work being a good listener because we're all so eager to be heard, but your business could build stronger relationships if you did…
