From the course: Social Media Monitoring: Strategies and Skills

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Social media monitoring for research and insights

Social media monitoring for research and insights - HootSuite Tutorial

From the course: Social Media Monitoring: Strategies and Skills

Social media monitoring for research and insights

- [Instructor] Some companies seem to operate as if their blinds are shut tight because they don't pay attention to the world outside. And that means they're missing out on valuable knowledge about their customers, competitors, and the marketplace. Instead, they should pull up the blinds by incorporating social media monitoring into their research mix. Strategic social media monitoring can give your business new ideas and a real-time pulse on your customers and industry. Your company probably already has internal research based on past performance, on customer feedback, trade show interactions and frontline sales reports. You may also be paying for external reports or reading trade publications. Social media monitoring gives you another channel that broadens your research capabilities. For instance, let's say the Two Trees marketing team wants to see the appetite for a product they don't already offer, but their competitors…
