From the course: Social Media Monitoring: Strategies and Skills

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Fine-tune how you search for content

Fine-tune how you search for content

- [Instructor] For as long as I can remember, I've been a voracious reader of news. I've always been curious, and the media was my main source to find things out. Of course, that all changed with our digital world, and now, like many of you, I also discover news and information on social media and search. In fact, around 93% of all online activities begin with search. So you could say search results are like the new front page. That's an important shift for marketers who want to get a handle on what customers are looking for. One of the best ways to discover what's on your customers' minds is social media monitoring. You can broaden your understanding by integrating the long tail of search. Let me show you what I mean. Take a look at this graph. The X, or horizontal axis, measures time. The Y, or vertical axis, measures word of mouth chatter. And that wavy line you see is often referred to as the innovation…
