From the course: Social Media Marketing Trends

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Working with Amazon influencers

Working with Amazon influencers

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] Amazon doesn't usually come to mind when discussing social media, but in reality, influencers have been recommending their favorite products sold on the marketplace for years. Creators have the opportunity to set up their own storefront on Amazon, which is basically a gallery of their favorite products curated into different categories of their choosing. It's an easy way for them to share product recommendations with their audience and earn a portion of the sales driven from their followers using these affiliate links listed on the storefront. So, how can your brand effectively partner with these influencers on Amazon? By getting your products featured on their storefronts, having them share affiliate links to your products, or partnering on a product demonstration for an Amazon Live shoppable live stream. Despite the number of brands selling products on Amazon, this is still an underutilized…
