From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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Social media content promotion

Social media content promotion

- [Narrator] Okay, your social media marketing team's operating like a well-oiled machine, except for one thing. Your promotion tactics seem a bit hit and miss. Well, that's where Gini Dietrich's PESO Model comes in. It shows you how to balance your content mix on paid, earned, shared and owned media. Here's how it works. For starters, the PESO Model actually begins with your owned media but OSEP is a bit too hard to remember, so PESO it is. Owned media refers to all the content you create and curate including your blog, social updates, email marketing, newsletters, photos, videos, podcasts and more. It's the heart of your social media marketing program and the reason your customers will come to see you as their go-to brand and spread the word to their friends, which brings us to shared media or digital word of mouth. When your customers tell people how great your company is on social media or post a rating or a review, so if…
